Dental Sedation

Many patients suffer from dental fears or have trouble relaxing in the dental chair. Others have a sensitive gag reflex or are bothered by surrounding sounds and smells during their visit. At Meadowbrook Family Dental, we offer sedation to patients of all ages. Dental sedation can change your dental experience and help you maintain a healthy smile. Whether you are scheduling a dental checkup or extensive treatment, sedation dentistry can allow you to receive the dental care that you need. We offer both nitrous oxide and oral sedation. Your dentist can help you determine the best type of sedation to meet your needs. If you are interested in sedation dentistry in Elk Grove, CA, call our team today! 

Oral Sedation for Teens & Adults

Oral sedation is administered in pill form prior to your dental visit. By the time your appointment begins, you should feel both comfortable and relaxed. Oral sedation should last for several hours and allow your dental team to perform any necessary treatment. You will be conscious during treatment, but may remember little to nothing from your appointment. Once treatment is over, you will need a driver to accompany you home as the sedation may take some time to fully wear away.

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